9 Ways To Make Social Media Work For Your Business

The key for a small business when it comes to social media is to create content that customers and potential customers will engage with again and again, something that’s meaningful to a sizable group or makes people think. There’s a difference between content that’s just interesting and content that people want to share with their friends and network. Here are some characteristics of highly sharable content:

  • Asks the audience relevant questions
  • Offers questions that the audience can ask other users
  • Presents group events, sign-ups, announcements, and activities
  • Encourages discussions (watch out though: can easily get out of hand)
  • Highlights shared experiences, reminiscing, nostalgia
  • Contains invitations and calls to action
  • Is simple enough for many people to relate to
  • Enables sharers to express their opinion or vote
  • Provides value for the sharer, not just the reader/viewer


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