Client Case Study
Neff Consulting Group
How We Helped:
- Designed & Developed New Website
- Developed Marketing Strategy
- Copy Writing & Core Messaging
- Updated Logo Design
- Addressed Web Security Issues
- Continue to Host & Maintain Website
Lynn Neff, the owner of Neff Consulting Group, realized her marketing was in trouble when her website directed potential clients to a competitor’s website. It was time to update content, visuals, security, and let marketing professionals help grow her business. She scheduled her bizmktg.com Strategy Session for March 31.
The bizmktg.com team took care of her immediate security needs while beginning a process for her long-range marketing needs.
Along with Lynn Neff…Peter (President), Chris (Business Coach and Marketing Strategist), and Kyle (Graphic Designer) participated in the strategy session. Working collaboratively in April and May, copy was written, language was refined, a new look was created, and an online strategy was developed. The website was uploaded to our staging site allowing Lynn and her team to see the site online and help fine-tune the site with the bizmktg.com team (while shielded from any public access). Once she gave the word, the site went live.
Not only did the bizmktg.com team help clarify what set her company apart from her competitors, but it also ignited her passion and creativity as a business owner. This led to a brand new look, logo, secure online presence, and marketing strategy – completed and online within 90 days.
“The results of my collaboration with the bizmktg.com team exemplify a huge business truth,
‘Do what you do best and give the rest to what they do best.’
I could not be more pleased with the results of our new website. Open requests for any feedback from our colleagues and business partners have been met with 100% positivity. My deepest gratitude for making the whole process so efficient and enjoyable – in fact, it was quite fun!”
Owner of Neff Consulting Group
When Lynn needs to update a product, page, picture, or paragraph, she simply sends an email to the bizmktg.com support team, and we handle the updates for her. She no longer has to be a business owner, consultant, AND website technician.
Lynn discovered this truth: When your website isn’t working for you, it’s working against you. The process doesn’t need to be painful…it only needs to be professional, efficient, and fun. Helping your clients succeed is your passion. Helping our clients win is our purpose. Lynn’s story can be your story. Schedule your strategy session today.