Social Media for Small Business: Facebook, Part I

Online advertising is strange world. It doesn’t have much in common with older forms of advertising, and as a result, it can be completely counterintuitive. Writing copy that resonates with your audience and choosing images that catch the eye often end up becoming much more complicated than expected. And of course the endless options, menus, and customizations never seem to be “just right.” Here are 7 easy strategies to make your Facebook advertising catch customers’ attention.

  • Create multiple versions of every ad.

Known in the industry as A/B testing, running an ad campaign with slight variations from one ad to the next often determines which characteristics of an ad are most effective. For example, if you use a blue background on one ad and a disproportionate number of women click on it, perhaps create a targeted campaign towards women with that ad. Say another ad, with a red background, gets more clicks during the hours of 8-10am than other ads, but doesn’t perform well otherwise. You could implement your red ad during those hours only. The variations are limited only by the amount of data you’re able to collect.

  • Include a call to action in your ad.

Because of online attention spans are so short, it’s now more important than ever to make it immediately obvious what you want a viewer to do. Including a button, link, special offer, piece of content, or cliffhanger can keep attention and gives the customer a way to interact. Most people know that clicking an ad will take them to another website, but a button saying “learn more,” “read more,” or “free sample” makes it obvious what they can expect on that page.

  • Send people somewhere worthwhile.

There are several ways to think about this, but the premise is that you don’t want your ad to waste someone’s time, you want to get their attention and business. Sending them to a unique page on your website instead of just your homepage or “about us” page is critical. If you invited someone to your house, you wouldn’t want to have the front door open into a bathroom, right? In the same way, you want your landing page to be meaningful to the viewer. Many businesses do this by providing downloads, videos, or other content that keeps interest.

Hopefully these tips get you moving in the right direction and encourage you to think critically about any advertising you do on Facebook. Stay tuned for similar updates on other social media sites.

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Read more about Facebook advertising here and more on the Relevance Score here.