9 Things That Make Social Media Work for Your Business

Lots of businesses have social media profiles. This is a good first step, but if you don’t post anything, it’s kind of like having a street address with no building. People might show up, but they won’t stick around. They won’t know what to do. They won’t continue to pay attention.

The key for a small business when it comes to social media is to create content (posts, pictures, updates, etc.) that customers and potential customers will engage with again and again. That means something interesting, thought-provoking, attention-grabbing, and relatable. There’s a difference between content that’s just interesting and content that people want to share with their friends and network. If you’re going to make your social media work for your business, you’re going to need content that people want to share. Here are some characteristics of highly sharable content:

  • Asks the audience relevant questions
  • Offers questions that the audience can ask other users
  • Presents group events, sign-ups, announcements, and activities
  • Encourages discussions (watch out though: can easily get out of hand)
  • Highlights shared experiences, reminiscing, nostalgia
  • Contains invitations and calls to action
  • Is simple enough for many people to relate to
  • Enables sharers to express their opinion or vote
  • Provides value for the sharer, not just the reader/viewer

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